Top 50 MBA Schools in the U.S.A.

Top 50 MBA Schools (Combined) | Top Public MBA Schools | Top Private MBA Schools

To evaluate quality, we combined the rankings of US News & World Report, Business Week and Forbes to arrive at a Composite Ranking below. Our method of ranking includes such factors as student satisfaction, worth of a degree five years after graduation, starting salaries-bonuses and reputation among recruiters.

The cost/year axis considers which states waive out-of-state tuition for veterans and combines those results with funds available through the Yellow Ribbon Program to determine the basic cost of attending MBA schools for veterans. Cost per year, without any financial aid other than Yellow Ribbon funds and out-of-state tuition waivers, are shown for each of the programs below. It is important to remember that some states do not yet waive out-of-state tuition for veterans, but if you obtain residency in these states, the GI Bill will cover your education cost. For example, if you are a resident of California, you can attend UCLA Anderson for free. The results do not take this into account. Therefore, the data below assume you are evaluating all MBA schools as an out-of-state student.

Several schools in the Top 50 are free to attend and costs at other MBA schools are reduced significantly by contributions they make to the Yellow Ribbon program. Although some schools are more expensive, prospective students can further reduce their costs by obtaining more financial aid through unused Yellow Ribbon funding, scholarship money or merit aid, and university endowments. While all forms of aid should be considered upon application and factored into your decision to enroll, these levels of funding are not calculated into the education costs below.